Basic Annual Heating and AC Services

ImageAn annual heating and air conditioning service is necessary to keep your home’s air unit in great shape year-round. Some monthly maintenance that can be administer yourself will prevent common problems that a professional service deal with on a regular basis; for instance, changing your air unit’s filter. Although monthly maintenance for your air unit is important, a yearly profession check-up is beneficial. Their industry experience with various unit models allows them to check on components of the machine an average homeowner is not familiar with or may overlook.

A regularly serviced unit allows minor issues to be resolved before they cause serious damage that can be expensive. Most heating and air conditioning companies have some type of annual maintenance service they offer for air units.Since many companies will compete for your business with price matching, it is important to compare the services offered in addition to the cost.

It is recommended to have your unit serviced in the spring to ensure proper function.A regularly serviced unit will not prevent any chance of something going wrong, but your chances are significantly decreased. A yearly service call will catch little leaks and component malfunctions before they lead to larger repairs. Be sure to think about Air Conditioning Repair Wellesley when you need services completed.

What do professional heating and air conditioning technicians do on these service calls? The refrigerant or Freon level is typically the first item a professional will look at on an air conditioning system. Low levels of refrigerant may indicate a leak and the technician will investigate and repair if necessary before more is added. All the other electrical parts and controls of the unit will be inspected once the refrigerant level is appropriate. If it is necessary, the evaporator and condenser coil will be cleaned once inspected. A service call will also include oiling the unit’s motor, calibration of the thermostat and checking of the condensers. The filters are checked next and they will be replace or cleaned if necessary. Special seasonal services may be offered as well.

Questions on the care of your specific heating and air system during the yearly service check-up is the best time to ask your technician. Asking the service technician to give you some pointers on what kind of maintenance you can do to preserve the effectiveness of your unit is a good idea. The technician can tell you what needs to be done and how often. They can teach you how to change your unit’s filter, show you where they are located, and how often you should change them.

Making sure that a yearly maintenance is performed on your unit that will save you money and keep your home comfortable. Woodacre Fuel & HVAC can service your home’s air conditioning system before a major problem can occur.

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